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Google site search ? where to get tech support  

Saturday, June 27, 2009

purchase a GSS an hour ago and struggling to find a way to post a query to tech support..... It is turning out to be a nightmare situation, the e-mail link is bringing me back to the contact us page.

The new search engine do appear in my CSE home page, but it is another CSE with a very similar look, though there is an additional Buisness account link appears.
When I click on buisness account, it tells us the features of GSS. When I proceed with NEXT, it basically tells me the charges that would incurr, (which I already paid to buy this).
I am not sure what to do with it? What the buisness account means there?
Thnaks in advance.
I purchase GSS yesterday and recived a confirmation mail that it has been created.
The new search engine do appear in my CSE page, but it is another CSE with a very similar look, though there is an additional Buisness account link appears.

Do I need to click on buisness account link and procced to convert it to site search or this is the site search engine?

When I click on buisness account, it tells me the features of GSS. When I proceed with NEXT, it basically tells me the charges that would incurr, (which I already paid to buy this service).

Thnaks in advance.

Nick : ASK

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