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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ixquick Protects Your Privacy !

The only search engine that does not record your IP address.

Your privacy is under attack !

Every time you use a regular search engine, your search data are recorded.
Your search terms, the time of your visit, the links you choose, your IP address and your User ID cookies all get stored in a database.

The identity profiles that can be constructed from this cloud of information represent modern day gold for marketers.
But government officials, hackers and even criminals also have an interest in getting their hands on your personal search data.
And sooner or later they will...

What could happen ?

Consider the following story:

In August 2006, the online world was jarred by the AOL privacy scandal:
AOL released three months' worth of aggregated search data from 650,000 of its users, publishing all the details in an online database. This database is still searchable. It is an absolute eye-opener to see the potential for privacy nightmares.

—>Enter a query and find who searched for it
—>Then click on a "User ID" to find what else this user searched for
Shocked ? You are not alone.
When we search, we share our most private thoughts with our computers.
These private thoughts should be safe.

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